February 13, 2025
The Toy Train Barn Museum in Argyle, Wisconsin (photo credit: museum's Facebook page)

Toy Train Ban Museum, Argyle

The little village of Argyle – population 794 – is a pleasant small town at the crossroads of Highways 78 and 81. A little bit east of town along Highway 81, you’ll find a barn. That’s nothing unusual, but inside this barn is a train – and animation – lover’s paradise for kids and grown-ups of all ages. The Toy Train Barn Museum offers interactive animations involving models trains and cities, but also items like microwave ovens, VCRs, printers, and more.

The owners, Buck and Jan Guthrie, will happily show you around the museum and demonstrate the interactions, although kids will love to push the buttons and make things happen. This video gives you a better look – despite the quality of the video itself – at just what you can find there.

Inside the Toy Train Barn Museum, just east of Argyle along Highway 81. Photo courtesy of their Facebook page.

Toy Train Barn Museum, just east of Argyle, Wisconsin, along Highway 81. Photo comes from their Facebook page

You’ll find the Toy Train Barn Museum along Highway 81 between Monroe and Argyle – but closer to Argyle. Call ahead for hours (608-897-5651) or check their Facebook page, especially from December-April. There is a small admission fee.

Toy Train Barn Museum Address:

W9141 State Road 81
Argyle, WI 53504
(608) 897-5651
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