February 13, 2025

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100 Mile Garage Sale along the Great River Road

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100 Mile Garage Sale along the Great River Road
May 2, 2024
May 5, 2024
May 2, 2019
Along Highway 35 and the Great River Road
Highway 35, Pepin, WI, 54759, United States
Wisconsin Weekend: 100 Mile Garage Sale

100 Mile Garage SaleThe annual 100 Mile Garage Sale is coming up! Spreading across miles and miles of roads on both sides of the Mississippi River, this fun event is perfect for driving and shopping from Thursday, May 2nd through Sunday, May 5th.

Every year, Lake Pepin historic river towns in both Wisconsin and Minnesota clean out their attics, garages and basements to create the most spectacular garage sale around. Bargain hunters can start anywhere along the river road – Minnesota or Wisconsin – rain or shine. The 100 Mile Garage Sale extends from Winona north to Red Wing on the Minnesota side of the River and Fountain City north to Prescott on the Wisconsin side of the River. Thousands of individuals and businesses participate with their own garage sales, often whole neighborhoods. While there are no maps indicating the exact location of the individual sales they are very easy to find and are identified by signage and pink balloons or ribbons. Many of the people who visit the Region for the garage sale weekend start on Thursday and stay until Sunday morning. They often comment that they attended half of the sales that they saw. You won’t have any problem what-so-ever finding as many garage sales as you feel like attending! Follow the trail marked with colored balloons or ribbons of participating sales and you’ll find deals, steals and fun.

Sales on the Minnesota side run from Hastings along U.S. 61 south to Winona; on the Wisconsin side the sales go from Fountain City on the south to Prescott on the north, all centered around Pepin – and you have to check out the gorgeous views of Lake Pepin! Don’t miss it!

100 Mile Garage Sale Address:

Various locations, centered around Pepin along Highway 35 in Wisconsin and U.S. 14/61 in Minnesota
Information: (651) 307-8364


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